Ultratidal Entropic Disintegrator I icon

Ultratidal Entropic Disintegrator I

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This extra-large Entropic Disintegrator is only seen in use on Triglavian capital ships, these massive ships being capable of managing the considerable radiation and enormous gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates. At the energy levels of this ultraheavy weapon system, the tidal forces are so powerful that even the special systems built into battleships are insufficient and only capital ships can deal with the forces involved.

Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range.

The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target.

Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.