Gallente Cruiser bonuses per level
- 7.5% bonus to Heavy Drone max velocity and tracking speed
- 10% bonus to Light Drone, Medium Drone, and Heavy Drone hitpoints and damage
- 5% bonus to Sentry Drone hitpoints and damage
Heavy Assault Cruisers bonuses per level
- +5000 m bonus to Drone operation range
- 5% bonus to Sentry Drone optimal range and tracking speed
Role Bonuses
- 50% reduction in Microwarpdrive signature radius penalty
- • Can fit Assault Damage Controls
While not endowed with as much pure firepower as other ships of its category, the Ishtar is more than able to hold its own by virtue of its tremendous capacity for drones and its unique hard-coded drone-control subroutines.
Touted as "the Ishkur's big brother," the Ishtar design is the furthest CreoDron have ever gone towards creating a completely dedicated drone carrier. At various stages in its development process plans were made to strengthen the vessel in other areas, but ultimately the CreoDron engineers' fascination with pushing the drone carrier envelope overrode all other concerns.